It’s another blazin’ hot day here at Camp One Clap on One Clap Speech and Debate! We are all the way to Day 18 of camp, Counselor Ella Goodman and Counselor Zcherina Villegas have returned to share part three of their four part series - Croc Hiking with E-Z Platform. We’ll be getting even more fire Oratory and Info hacks from our Croc lovin’ counselors! So, strap up your hiking crocs, fill your water bottle, get your wide brimmed hat, and strap on your hot pink fanny pack! Let’s go hit the trail and do some Croc Hiking with E-Z Platform, episode 3! 🏕️👏🥾

Thanks so much to Camp Counselors Ella Goodman and Zcherina Villegas of E-Z Platform for sharing some smart platform moves with us on a Croc hike here at Camp One Clap! They will return for more Croc Hiking on their final episode next Friday!
Don't miss today's fab new episode of Professor Graham and Kevin's ABC's of Debate: Negative Block.
Tomorrow is yet another thrilling day at camp: We'll be at the campfire whipping up some Saturday Supplemental S'mores with NSDA Expository Finalist Counselor Solomon Henderson. Also, Professor Graham and Kevin’s ABCs of Debate shall continue to produce fire content until the end of days (or at least the end of the month).
Camp One Clap Social Media Challenge for Day 18 of Camp:
What is your go-to order when you eat out at a restaurant with your Speech and Debate Team?
I'll be posting my answers on the One Clap Speech and Debate TikTok channel! Be sure to tag our social media accounts or use the hashtag #CampOneClap23 when you post. I’m shifting the reward structure a bit for challenges to include One Clap prizes for more people! If you interact with a monthly challenge 10 times you can receive a holographic Camp One Clap sticker. If you interact 25 times you can receive several stickers, a One Clap coaster, and a Camp One Clap magnet!
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Check out the 2023 August Wyoming Speech and Debate Newsletter from One Clap: