We've arrived at Day 7 of Camp One Clap, Campers! That means we are all set for a healthy back-to-back dose of Camp Counselor Izzy Garcia. Yesterday, Counselor Izzy started the Interp Survival Guide series that will continue next Sunday, and today we’re going to get some great tips from Izzy about how to cut a script at a cozy Counselor Campfire Chat. 👏🏕️🔥

Camp Counselor Bio: Izzy Garcia cares about delivering the best Camp One Clap experience and keeping you safe from the scary world of interpretation! National qualifier in Original Oratory and performer in Duo, Drama, POI, Poetry and newly turned coach, Izzy is determined to not only keep you safe from the wilderness, but teach the masses about all things speech and debate survival. Education and advocacy in the world of speech and debate is paramount. Every good performance must be matched with even better self-care practices and performance techniques. The Interp Survival Guide is all you need to tackle the scary world of performance and beyond!
Thanks so much to Camp Counselor Izzy Garcia for all of the helpful information about Cutting a Script! Counselor Izzy will be back with more episodes of the Interp Survival Guide later this month at camp!
What’s new at Camp tomorrow? The first Camp One Clap Quiz Clash will debut tomorrow with Counselor Londe Gagnon! Our first Quiz Clash will feature Anna Altobell from Star Valley and Hunter McOmie from Riverton. Also, Counselor Adrian Graham will drop another genius episode of Professor Graham and Kevin’s ABCs of Debate.
In case you missed it, here is Professor Graham and Kevin's fabulous episode for today:
Camp One Clap Social Media Challenge for Day 7 of Camp:
Got goals? What goals are you setting for your upcoming Speech and Debate season? If you are not competing or coaching next year, what is a general goal you have for the upcoming year?
I'll be posting my answers on the One Clap Speech and Debate TikTok channel! Be sure to tag our social media accounts or use the hashtag #CampOneClap23 when you post. If you post for at least 20 days of August, I will send you a holographic Camp One Clap Sticker. If you post for all 31 days of August, I will send you a variety of One Clap and Camp One Clap stickers, a One Clap Speech and Debate coaster, AND a Camp One Clap magnet!
If you want to support the One Clap Speech and Debate Podcast, become a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/oneclapspeechanddebate
Get your cool One Clap Speech and Debate merchandise here (the first Camp One Clap design is at the store! It is BEAR-y nice!): https://www.bonfire.com/store/one-clap-speech-and-debate/

Check out the 2023 August Wyoming Speech and Debate Newsletter from One Clap: