Cheyenne East Policy Debate Coach Jeff Pope breaks down Policy Debate to the most basic parts to show how the debate works and is really not as intimidating and scary as we may have all believed. All nine episodes of Jeff's helpful and accessible Introduction to Policy Debate on the Rock On! Debate Podcast are now available on all major podcast listening platforms on the One Clap Speech and Debate Podcast. If you'd like to see and access them all in one place, you're in luck! They are all embedded right here in this post.

Episode 1: How Policy Debate Works and Isn't that Hard with Coach Jeff Pope
Episode 2: Teaching Policy - Five Basics Coaches and Students Can Master with Coach Jeff Pope
Episode 3: Four Online Resources to Make Policy Debate Easy with Coach Jeff Pope
Episode 4: Flowing Policy Debate in Five Steps with Coach Jeff Pope
Episode 5: The Laptop Age and Five Keys to Digital Debate with Coach Jeff Pope
Episode 6: Stock Issues - What Are They and Why Do They Matter? with Coach Jeff Pope
Episode 7: How to Use Cross-Examination in Policy Debate Effectively with Coach Jeff Pope
Episode 8: Policy Affirmative Case Basics with Coach Jeff Pope
Episode 9: Policy Negative Basics with Coach Jeff Pope
Some helpful Policy Debate Resources:
Be on the watch for new episodes of Rock On! Debate... our next series will explore Lincoln-Douglas Debate, and Cheyenne East High School Head Speech and Debate Coach Marcus Viney will be providing the lessons and resources to help students and coaches find success in LD. It is a great series, and I can't wait to share it with you all!
If you have an idea for Rock On Debate, shoot me an email at