Matt Liu, Director of the University of Wyoming Debate program and old friend of the One Clap Podcast came back to jam about the cool opportunity for student debaters who want to join Team Wyoming, the struggles and successes of the Wyoming Forensics Institute, and his top five mouth-watering macaron recipes.

Matt Liu is back with more good stuff to share on the One Clap Pod! After a fun game of This or That (revealing Matt's affinity for high quality tacos - among other tidbits), Matt reported back from the Wyoming Forensics Institute which was put on virtually this summer. He gave the details about the Team Wyoming debate group that UW Debate will facilitate this fall for any interested high school students. Lastly, Matt teased our taste buds with his top five macaron recipes. These macarons look absolutely amazing.

See? Do those not look heavenly?
Team Wyoming sounds like it will be a really cool opportunity for Wyoming coaches and debaters. The available collective resources of a whole lot of smart, generous debaters sounds like a win for everyone involved. Special thanks to Matt for giving his time to come on the podcast and for all of his work to help the Wyoming Speech and Debate community grow and thrive.
Can't get enough of Matt on One Clap? Well, you are in luck. Matt's been by the pod a time or two to talk about online tournaments and other good stuff. Here are the other two episodes featuring the prolific UW Director of Debate:
Check out a ton of great resources from UW Debate here:
If you are interested in learning more or enrolling in Team Wyoming, go to this page: