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Episode 21: How LD Debate State Champ Mack Kramer Took Debate to the Next Level

Updated: Dec 15, 2020

2020 graduate, Mack Kramer finished their senior Speech and Debate season with a flourish as Wyoming State Champion in Lincoln-Douglas Debate and an eleventh place finish in Commentary at the National Tournament. The Rock Springs Tiger talked with me about how they made the leap from novice to dangerous debater in just one year.


Rock Springs Speech and Debate competitor and 2020 graduate Mack is a walking example of resiliency. Throughout their Speech and Debate competitive days at Rock Springs High School, Mack has had their share of successes, but the story of their rise from LD filler at the District Tournament last year to LD State Champion and National Qualifier to close out their senior year is epic.

Mack came on the podcast to talk with me about the way they took their debate skills to the next level (one of their primary suggestions involves reflective journaling practice), their experience at the National Tournament (spoiler: Mack finished eleventh in Commentary at Nats!), their plans for the future, and their love for the Wyoming Speech and Debate community.

Thanks so much to Mack for their generosity in sharing their story and ideas. We had a great time talking, and Mack is a super helpful sounding board for the podcast behind the scenes. I can't wait to have Mack back on the podcast to share more of their skills and knowledge with us!


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