Take note, Extempers! Episode 31 of The Half Hour with YuYu and Spencer is coming in hot! You are at the right place to learn, grab some research, and improve your extemporaneous craft. In this week's episode, YuYu and Spencer discuss Critical Race Theory with guest (and a bestie of the One Clap podcast), Coach Lawrence Zhou.

Watch and subscribe to The Half Hour episodes on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx79MVh5SZHG4m8mrPiMA1g
31 | Critical Race Theory [with Lawrence Zhou]
-----Description of Podcast-----
One of the most controversial issues in America may have a different meaning than we had originally anticipated. In this episode, Lawrence Zhou is joined with YuYu Yuan and Spencer Travis to discuss the controversial Critical Race Theory topic.
-----Sources from this Video-----
The New Yorker - How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory - https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-inquiry/how-a-conservative-activist-invented-the-conflict-over-critical-race-theory
The Washington Post - New critical race theory laws have teachers scared, confused and self-censoring - https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/02/14/critical-race-theory-teachers-fear-laws/
PBS News Hour - Critical race theory is a flashpoint for conservatives, but what does it mean? - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/so-much-buzz-but-what-is-critical-race-theory
Diverse Issues in Higher Education - Scholars Assess the Backlash Against the Teaching of Critical Race Theory - https://www.diverseeducation.com/home/article/15288854/scholars-assess-the-backlash-against-the-teaching-of-critical-race-theory
CBS News - They fought critical race theory. Now they’re focusing on ‘curriculum transparency.’ - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/critical-race-theory-curriculum-transparency-rcna12809
Harvard Graduate School of Education - Harvard EdCast: The State of Critical Race Theory in Education - https://www.gse.harvard.edu/news/22/02/harvard-edcast-state-critical-race-theory-education
Vox News - Critical race theory bans are making teaching much harder - https://www.vox.com/22644220/critical-race-theory-bans-antiracism-curriculum-in-schools
CNN - South Dakota restricts teaching of critical race theory in schools - https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/05/us/south-dakota-governor-critical-race-theory-order/index.html
Media Matters - Fox News' obsession with critical race theory, by the numbers - https://www.mediamatters.org/fox-news/fox-news-obsession-critical-race-theory-numbers
Los Angeles Times - Board votes to ban critical race theory in Placentia-Yorba Linda school district - https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-04-06/critical-race-theory-banned-by-an-orange-county-school-board
Chalkbeat - CRT Map: Efforts to restrict teaching racism and bias have multiplied across the U.S. - https://www.chalkbeat.org/22525983/map-critical-race-theory-legislation-teaching-racism
Education Week - What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack? - https://www.edweek.org/leadership/what-is-critical-race-theory-and-why-is-it-under-attack/2021/05
Heritage Foundation - Critical Race Theory, the New Intolerance, and Its Grip on America - https://www.heritage.org/civil-rights/report/critical-race-theory-the-new-intolerance-and-its-grip-america
Areo Magazine - Yes, Children Are Being Taught Critical Race Theory in K–12 Schools in the US - https://areomagazine.com/2022/01/18/yes-children-are-being-taught-critical-race-theory-in-k-12-schools-in-the-us/
Ibram X. Kendi - How to Be an Antiracist - https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/564299/how-to-be-an-antiracist-by-ibram-x-kendi/
Robin DiAngeelo - White Fragility - https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/566247/white-fragility-by-dr-robin-diangelo/
New York Times - Critical Race Theory: A Brief History - https://www.nytimes.com/article/what-is-critical-race-theory.html
The New Yorker - How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory - https://www.newyorker.com/news/annals-of-inquiry/how-a-conservative-activist-invented-the-conflict-over-critical-race-theory
New York Times’ The Argument - What Are States Really Banning When They Ban Critical Race Theory in Classrooms? - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/18/opinion/critical-race-theory-us-schools.html
LastWeekTonight - Critical Race Theory - https://youtu.be/EICp1vGlh_U
SOME MORE NEWS - Why is Critical Race Theory? - https://youtu.be/UZhW1k_m7OY (Warning: Explicit language)
NPR - Why education was a top voter priority this election - https://www.npr.org/2021/11/04/1052101647/education-parents-election-virginia-republicans
The Guardian - Glenn Youngkin attempts to ban critical race theory on day one as Virginia governor - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/16/virginia-governor-glenn-youngkin-sworn-into-office-critical-race-theory
Vox - What the hysteria over critical race theory is really all about - https://www.vox.com/22443822/critical-race-theory-controversy
Brookings - Why are states banning critical race theory? - https://www.brookings.edu/blog/fixgov/2021/07/02/why-are-states-banning-critical-race-theory/
PBS - Critical race theory is a flashpoint for conservatives, but what does it mean? - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/so-much-buzz-but-what-is-critical-race-theory
Michael J. Sandel - The Tyranny of Merit - https://us.macmillan.com/books/9780374289980/thetyrannyofmerit
Newsweek - We Should Be Teaching Critical Race Theory to Kids—But It Has to Be Done Right | Opinion - https://www.newsweek.com/we-should-teaching-critical-race-theory-kids-it-has-done-right-opinion-1677698
Education Week - AP Takes a Stand Amid the Raging Curriculum Debates. It’s Worth Emulating - https://www.edweek.org/teaching-learning/opinion-ap-takes-a-stand-amid-the-raging-curriculum-debates-its-worth-emulating/2022/03
Education Week - Do Educators Think Critical Race Theory Should Be Taught in Class? We Asked - https://www.edweek.org/leadership/how-do-educators-feel-about-critical-race-theory-being-taught-in-the-classroom-we-asked/2022/01
Vox - Critical race theory hysteria overshadows the importance of teaching kids about racism - https://www.vox.com/first-person/22568672/critical-race-theory-crt-education-racism-teachers
Washington Examiner - Teaching critical race theory isn’t just wrong. It might be illegal - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/teaching-critical-race-theory-isnt-just-wrong-it-might-be-illegal
Newsweek - The Real Problem With Critical Race Theory | Opinion - https://www.newsweek.com/real-problem-critical-race-theory-opinion-1605771
-----Credits and Credentials-----
Video/Audio Recording: Zoom Video Communications
Production Recording: OBS Studio
Design Production: Adobe Spark
Hosts: YuYu Yuan, Spencer Travis
Business Information: Reach via Social Media [Links Above]
Produced By: Spencer Travis
Edited By: Joshua Mitchell
Public Relations Specialist: Camila Rivera
Powered By: One Clap Speech and Debate Podcast [Lyle Wiley]
Music By: Lyle Wiley (Production: GarageBand)
This podcast (or clips from this podcast) cannot be used without consent of One Clap/The Half Hour. All recordings are our own work with our own research and information put together.
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