Extemporaneous Speakers and current event junkies rejoice! Episode Two of the Half Hour with YuYu and Spencer takes on Pfizer's FDA Approval.

Episode 2: Notes, Sources, Credits
2 | Pfizer’s FDA Approval
Watch the episode here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx79MVh5SZHG4m8mrPiMA1g
-----Description of Podcast-----
The recent approval of the Pfizer booster shot was announced in late-August. With vaccine hesitancy in the United States, it begs the question: What does this mean for the United States? In this podcast, YuYu Yuan and Spencer Travis explore the impacts of Pfizer’s FDA Approval and will examine both sides of the problem and possible questions that people will ask.
**DISCLAIMER: This video contains content pertaining to COVID-19. For information regarding the impact of COVID-19, please view the CDC’s website here: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations_vacc-total-admin-rate-total
-----Sources from this Video-----
Flu by Gina Kolata
IndyStar - Indianapolis Escaping the Spanish Flu with One of the Lowest Death Rates (and stats on the impact of the Spanish Flu) - https://www.indystar.com/story/news/history/retroindy/2018/01/31/retroindy-1918-spanish-influenza-swift-and-deadly/1075458001/
CDC - Complete Story of the Discovery and Reconstruction of the 1918 Pandemic Virus - https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/reconstruction-1918-virus.html
History of Vaccines - 1918 Spanish Influenza and Vaccine Development - https://www.historyofvaccines.org/content/blog/vaccine-development-spanish-flu
Salon - Same Flu Virus from 1918 is Back This Year - https://www.salon.com/2019/01/02/the-same-flu-virus-that-caused-the-1918-pandemic-is-back-this-year/
CDC - Seasonal Flu Vaccines - https://www.cdc.gov/flu/prevent/flushot.htm
NCBI/NIH - Reviewing the Safety of the COVID-19 Vaccines - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8087878/
Some in Missouri seek covid-19 shots in secret, doctor says - https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/30/us/missouri-covid-vaccine-secret.html
Michael Harriot [Poet] - Quote on the Vaccine - https://www.facebook.com/100007071914722/posts/3006165666295801/?d=n
USNews & World Politics - Teachers Should “Get the Vaccine” - https://www.usnews.com/news/education-news/articles/2021-08-24/fda-approval-empowers-school-systems-to-tell-teachers-staff-get-vaccine-no-exceptions
Spokesman-Review - Religious Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccine - https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2021/aug/30/state-religious-exemptions-for-teachers-to-washing/
NBC News - Mandating Vaccines Could Spell Trouble for Corporate America - https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/mandating-vaccines-amid-worker-shortage-could-spell-trouble-corporate-america-n1276213
Vaccines, A measured response - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BIcAZxFfrc
Why Americans have grown more hesitant about the COVID 19 vaccine - https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/why-americans-have-grown-more-hesitant-about-the-covid-19-vaccine
The Tuskegee Timeline - https://www.cdc.gov/tuskegee/timeline.htm
Why so many Americans are skeptical of a coronavirus vaccine - https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-so-many-americans-are-skeptical-of-a-coronavirus-vaccine/
Vaccine hesitancy is fueled by polarization and mistrust in science, experts say - https://news.northwestern.edu/stories/2020/12/vaccine-hesitancy-is-fueled-by-polarization-and-mistrust-in-science-experts-say/&fj=1
LATimes - How to Convince Someone to Get the Vaccine - https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-05-17/tips-how-to-convince-someone-to-get-vaccinated
Questions provided by Extemp Central: https://speechgeek.com/extemp/
-----About The Half Hour-----
The Half Hour is a current events podcast designed with the intention of helping Extemp competitors (and other Speech and Debate members, as well as listening for the general public) understand the importance of political, social, or economical events on a domestic and international scale. Each episode looks at both sides of current events while providing background information to help expand upon the issue. The Half Hour also looks into common questions that people may be asked relating to current events and will work to answer them based on credible news sources from both sides.
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Spencer Travis:
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-----Credits and Credentials-----
Video/Audio Recording: Zoom Video Communications
Production Recording: OBS Studio
Design Production: Adobe Spark
Hosts: YuYu Yuan, Spencer Travis
Produced By: Spencer Travis
Powered By: One Clap Speech and Debate Podcast [Lyle Wiley]
Music By: Lyle Wiley (Production: GarageBand)
This podcast (or clips from this podcast) cannot be used without consent of One Clap/The Half Hour.
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